Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuh.
Welcome to our Qur'an Questions website.

Complete the surah!

  1. -The purpose of this section of the website is for us to test our knowledge of the last 3 Juz in the Qur'an.

  2. -After we have memorized the entire Juz Amma (or the last half of Juz Amma), you can click on the tab(or button) for Juz Amma to be taken to the page that includes the questions for Juz Amma. On that page you have the option to select either the tab for the Full Juz (Surat Naba to Naas) or the Half Juz (Surat A'laa to Naas) wherein you will click on the numbers to show the question.

  3. -The same process applies to Juz Tabarak and Juz Qad Sami' except that they only contain questions for the entire juz respectively. The Last 3 Juz tab includes questions from all three Juz (Juz Amma, Tabarak, and Qad Sami').

  4. -On everypage there is a Tie Breaker. This contains questions specific to each juz, that are more tricky than others. The page is intended to help break a tie, if you were to use this website for a competition and two people score the same points.

  5. -Feel free to use this website as you prefer. There is no one way to conduct a competition using this website. If you prefer to use it as a review tool, that will be absolutely fine.

Qur'an GimtKit Quizzes
*What Verse comes next?* - *What is the Surah Name?* - *What number is this Surah?*

  1. -The purpose of this section of the website is for us to test our knowledge of the next verse, or the surah name of the verse.

  2. -After we have memorized the entire Juz or a portion of the Juz, you can click on the corresponding tab to test your knowledge of what verse comes nest.

  3. -The same process applies to testing the surah names. Just click on the tab to test your knowledge of which surah the verse belongs to.

  4. -When you click on the tabs, it will launch a website called GimtKit. All you have to do is enter your name/nickname to play the game.

  5. -While you earn points in the games in the form of dollars ($), we are not promising to dole out any winnings. :)

Fun Facts About the Surahs in the Quran

Click below (Surah Facts) to see the names of the Surahs in the Qur'an in chronological order, as well as their order of revelation.

You can play these games to test your knowledge of the Surahs based on their chronological order. These links will take you directly to GimKit to play the games.


As you use this website, make dua'a for the continued success of those behind it and for them to be able to provide more content of benefit to the Ummah. May Allah accept our humble efforts and increase us all in Eeman, Taqwa, and Knowledge, aameen.